Does copyright law promote creativity?

Therefore, they are increasingly interested in exploiting and stealing the rights they already owned, and in promoting their work in new markets (Packard, 20. This theory has been the driving force behind an economic vision that has expanded, beyond recognition, the original law created by the Ana Statute. In addition, many specialists express their assertions that the development of culture and the promotion of creativity can be threatened by entitling authors to consider the combination of some brands, such as forms, as their intellectual property. Therefore, people involved in creative activities feel protected and respected, as the law provides them with an opportunity to protect their creations and themselves from copying and plagiarism.

The variety of colors enhances the creation of works of art and can be considered as the intangible asset that promotes the development of culture. One of the first questions posed by critics of the law is related to the definition of whether its main objective is to protect the author or benefit the public. While the law was created to “encourage the production of original literary, artistic and musical expressions for the good of the public, the real situation demonstrates that securing authors' rights has eclipsed the ultimate goal of improving culture (The Supreme Court of the United States par. Current trends of placing greater emphasis on the benefit of authors than the good of the public, restricting creative activities inspired by existing works and using the law for purely commercial purposes lead to the commercialization of culture and the suppression of creativity.

The initiative is based on a thorough analysis of the actual application and implementation of intellectual property laws in different parts of the world. Pharrell Williams, one of the authors of the success, stated that such a decision may “stifle creativity, as creators might be afraid to use inspiration, derived from existing intellectual assets and promote the creative process” (“Pharrell affirms Blurred Lines par. Everything new is old and forgotten, as the proverb says, and therefore the development of culture and the stimulation of creativity are largely promoted through the use of existing works for the creation of new works. And according to Packard, “no area of the law has been affected more by digital media than intellectual property (Packard, 2001).