Is copyright law federal?

Please enable JavaScript in your web browser; otherwise, some parts of this site may not work properly. An official website of the United States government Official websites use. gov A. gov The website belongs to an official government organization of the United States.

You may not use government trademarks or government agency logos without permission. For example, you can't use an agency's logo or trademark on your social media page. You cannot use a government work in a way that involves the support of a government agency, official, or employee. For example, you can't use a photo of a government official with your product in an ad.

To ensure that you do not use protected intellectual property, check with the agency or program that manages the website. Government Works FAQs: Find answers to common questions about the U.S. Ask a real person any government-related questions for free. They will give you the answer or tell you where to find it.

USAGOV is the official Guide to Government Information and Services. Registration is required before a lawsuit can be filed, and registration creates the possibility of further legal damages. Items that are seized during the course of the lawsuit may, if the plaintiff wins, be ordered to be destroyed as part of the final decree. At any time during the lawsuit, the court may order the seizure of any and all copies of the infringing products.